Mighty Big Fight: Tech company that services PI lawyers sets up law firm to compete with them

And Stanford Law School professor Nora Freeman Engstrom, an expert in tort law and legal ethics, said Mighty should be praised for bringing “transparency to a system that’s frequently shrouded in secrecy.”

“Mighty is unusual insofar as it is transparent about the fees it charges. Nationally, most personal injury lawyers don’t publicize their contingency fee percentage—even on their websites,” Engstrom wrote in an email.

But she noted that Mighty was boasting about some practices that “don’t go beyond lawyers’ baseline obligations.”

Mighty says its lawyers will recommend a settlement only if it is in the client’s best interests.

“Lawyers are already duty-bound to prioritize their clients’ interests,” Engstrom said. “That’s lawyers ethics 101.”

November 7, 2022
By Deborah L. Rhode Center On The Legal Profession
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