Our Team

Executive Director
Associate Director, Policy and Programs
Research Fellow
Court Innovation Fellow / ALI Project Fellow
Fellow and Lecturer
Civil Justice and Innovation Fellow
Special Projects Advisor
Practicing Fellow
Non-Resident Fellow
Non-Resident Fellow
Non-Resident Fellow
Non-Resident Fellow
Center Support Specialist
Content and Communications

Student Fellows

Amy Elizabeth Cass

Civil Justice Fellow

John Curry

Civil Justice Fellow

Owen Foulkes

Civil Justice Fellow

Harrison Hurt

Civil Justice Fellow

Kelsea Jeon

Civil Justice Fellow
Nicole Kozlak

Nicole Kozlak

Civil Justice Fellow

Lisa Lu

Civil Justice Fellow

Maya Rodriguez

Civil Justice Fellow

Sarah Ryan

Civil Justice Fellow
Molly Shapiro

Molly Shapiro

Civil Justice Fellow

Ross Snyder

Civil Justice Fellow
CleanShot 2024-07-25 at 22.01.58@2x

Jessica Wang

Civil Justice Fellow

Brian Xu

Civil Justice Fellow

Past Fellows

Graham Ambrose

Graham Ambrose

Civil Justice Fellow

Ari Berman

Civil Justice Fellow
Jess Lu

Jess Lu

Civil Justice Fellow

Alexandra Minsk

Civil Justice Fellow

Aaron Schaffer-Neitz

Civil Justice Fellow
James Stone

James Stone

Civil Justice Fellow
RJ Vogt

RJ Vogt

Civil Justice Fellow

Benjamin Welton

Civil Justice Fellow

Garrett Wen

Civil Justice Fellow

Catherina Xu

Civil Justice Fellow