Common Benefit Funds: Establishing, Administering, and Disbursing

MDL plaintiffs’ attorneys work on contingency, and, in a given MDL, some plaintiffs’ attorneys (particularly, those in leadership positions) will devote more time, effort, and financial resources to the case than others. Indeed, certain plaintiffs’ attorneys will do comparatively little work, merely monitoring the litigation on their individual client’s behalf until a settlement is reached. Recognizing these disparities and attuned to inefficiencies that may result if counsel is inadequately compensated, courts have recognized an inherent authority to assess “common benefit fees,” which are pooled in “common benefit funds.” These funds are then distributed to attorneys who perform “common benefit work,” and, in so doing, significantly contribute to the litigation.

The architecture for common benefit funds is typically established early in an MDL, though funds are not disbursed until later in the proceedings, after funding becomes available, whether through settlement of some or most of the plaintiffs’ claims or following a trial that results in a verdict for the plaintiff.

This module discusses three key considerations courts must address regarding common benefit funds. These are: (1) how to structure and administer the fund, including how to address issues that arise when litigation in state court is moving alongside the federal MDL; (2) how to establish the set-aside percentage; and (3) how to make disbursements from the fund to those attorneys who performed common benefit work.

For more on common benefit funds, see generally, Bolch Jud. Inst., Duke L. Sch., Guidelines And Best Practices for Large and Mass-Tort MDLS 64–80 (2d ed., 2018) [hereinafter Bolch Guidelines]; Fed. Jud. Ctr., Manual for Complex Litigation (4th ed. 2005) § 14 [hereinafter MCL]; Eldon E. Fallon, Common Benefit Fees in Multidistrict Litigation, 74 La. L. Rev. 371 (2014); Nora Freeman Engstrom & Todd Venook, Harnessing Common Benefit Fees to Promote MDL Integrity, 101 Tex. L. Rev. 1623, 1642 (2023).

Structuring and Administering the CBF

Establishing the Set-Aside Percentage

Disbursing the Common Benefit Fund

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